Alaskan charters activities header image

Alaskan Charter Activities

So many activities, do as much or as little as you want on a Babkin Alaskan Charter.

Alaskan charters back-country skiing image  

With an average snowfall of over 30 feet (10 meters), Prince William Sound is the perfect place to back-country ski with terrain for every ability. Skiing is available March through May.

Safety of our guests is always a priority- Babkin Charters reserves the right to limit areas and clients based upon snow conditions’ ability, weather or any factor which we feel would put anyone at unreasonable or obvious risk.

Click Here to read an article published in Sports Afield about skiing with Babkin Charters.

Alaskan charters whale watching image  

It is common to see orca (killer whale) in the sound, both resident pods and transients stopping by in hopes of a seal for dinner. Humpback frequent the sound both summer and winter and we often see them breaching in Montague straight. Fin, Gray, Minki and even an occasional Sperm whale are sometimes seen.

Alaskan charters photography image  

Prince William Sound is a photographer’s paradise.

The light in Alaska is amazing and the scenery and wildlife do not often disappoint.

Click here to see our Photo & Video Galleries.


Alaskan charters wildlife viewing image  

Long summer days and the return of the salmon to spawning streams make for an abundance of wildlife in the sound. Nesting seabirds, bald eagles, black bears and otters abound.

alaskan charters kayaking image  

Paddle and explore protected coves and bays, then return to the boat for a meal and a warm bunk while we motor to the next days experience.

Boat touring means less impact on the forest.

Alaskan charters glaciers image  

Climate change may mean glaciers are melting, but some are exposing the remains of an old growth forest overrun some 800 years ago during the last glacial advance.

Visit Harvard, Nellie Juan and Meares, all active tidewater glaciers.

Alaskan charters fishing image  

Fishing is always an option. Throw out the line to catch a fresh salmon or rock fish.

Alaskan charters hiking image  

Prince William Sound offers multiple adventures with over 3000 miles of shoreline to explore.

The Chugach Mountains border Prince William Sound and it’s a hikers paradise with snow capped peaks, lush valleys, tide pools and uninhabited islands.


  • Call to Book
    1 (907) 272-8989

Babkin Charters LLC

  • 2940 Mallard Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99508
  • Phone: 1 (907) 272-8989
  • Email:



Photo credits: Linda Bassett, Tim Bowman, Alex Davis, John Durham, Alexandra von Wichman, Brad von Wichman