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Prince William Sound Commercial Fishing Alaska


We've been commercial fishing in Alaska since the 1970's. It started in an open, 21 foot boat which had a depth finder that reached 100 feet. Someone had told us that the shrimp were down around 600 feet so we picked a spot on the chart that looked to be the right depth and kept tying on the line until the pots hit the bottom. Then the fun began. We had no winch to retrieve the pots so used 'Norwegian Hydraulics' - hand over hand pulling - to get them (and a few shrimp) to the top.


Things have progressed from that time. We have fished herring in Kodiak, long-lined halibut and sablefish in Prince William Sound and Kodiak, spent several seasons diving for sea urchins, (uni for those who know sushi), in Southeast Alaska and Kodiak, and salmon seined in Prince William Sound.


Nowadays we fish halibut IFQ and state water sablefish in Prince William Sound.


And the next generation is chomping at the bit to get started!

  Commercial fishing Alaska Halibut fish landed   Commercial Fishing Alaska baby sleeper shark
  • Call to Book
    1 (907) 272-8989

Babkin Charters LLC

  • 2940 Mallard Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99508
  • Phone: 1 (907) 272-8989
  • Email:



Photo credits: Linda Bassett, Tim Bowman, Alex Davis, John Durham, Alexandra von Wichman, Brad von Wichman