Babkin Charters LLC
Brad, Kjersti and Alex von Wichman
Main phone (office with voice mail): 907-272-8989
Cell phone on board the Babkin: 907-229-3857
Texts & Calls OK, however they are subject to connectivity
Cell phone on board the Alexandra: 907-242-5669
Texts & Calls OK, however they are subject to connectivity
If there is an emergency and you need to contact us out in Prince William Sound the best way is to go through the US Coast Guard, Marine Safety Office, Anchorage: 907-271-6769. NOTE! Use this only in a real emergency and after having been unable to contact us at our office or the vessels directly.
Vessel call signs: Alexandra WAE 7896: Babkin WCX 2891
For an emergency situation requiring a medivac:
US Coast Guard would be #1 for anything life threatening
For a situation requiring rapid transport:
There are several air-taxi outfits who fly Prince William Sound and provide charter service to Anchorage, Cordova or Seward.
Alaska Regional Hospital (Anchorage): 907-276-1131
Cordova Community Medical Center: 907-424-8000
Providence Hospital (Anchorage): 907-562-2211
Photo credits: Linda Bassett, Tim Bowman, Alex Davis, John Durham, Alexandra von Wichman, Brad von Wichman